Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some Love for the beleaguered motor car

Being mobile is a part of being human. Sure, we don't fly like birds or swim like fish, but we've managed to emulate and adapt beyond our physical limitations more than any other creature in the known universe - we get around.

Mobility is, however, about more than just getting around. It's also about independence, it's about freedom, it's about quality of life, and it's about privacy. What do I mean by that?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oil on the brain, and pretty much everywhere else

I am all for efficient vehicles that use less or, better yet, no petroleum whatsoever. However, I'd like to remind all those self-righteous people who do not drive that they are still a part of the problem, even if they think the price of gas is neither their fault nor their problem.

Here's a partial list of items that are made from oil. If you buy any of these items, you are a part of the demand for oil...